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Architecture is not necessarily…

23 Mar

… synonymous with austerity, even when you practice a relatively restrained classicism. At least, there may be some discrepancy between your architectural aesthetics:

Paris' Pantheon by Jacques-Germain Soufflot

… and your sartorial choices:

Floral Madness

I want to thank E. from Academichic, who offered this embroidery bonanza as a reference of the extreme variability of the (gendered) meaning we assign to such and such aspect of our clothing.


19 Mar

I don’t do that…

31 Jan

… normally. But someone had to put an end to all this Chuck Norris madness.

British Badass

Notice how the tie cleverly matches the ice blue of his gaze. Sartorial competence, that is. We do not even begin to compare it with Norris’ utter cluelessness about clothing.

But the question remains: what shoes should he wear?

British Badass Shoes

Certainly something like these Oliver Sweeney’s Romano Brown Batisfera boots, perfectly fitting for stylish action, such as verbally bitch slapping Lord Vader.